Dear friends, SEUP (Sociedad Española de Urgencias de Pediatría) and SLEPE (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Emergencia Pediátrica) have formed an alliance with the aim of publishing a journal on pediatric emergencies.
These two societies are powerful, rigorous, enthusiastic, with innovative and important lines of work, and it is essential that they have a scientific communication medium that is attractive and widely accessible to professionals, one that holds value and serves as a reference.
This journal is a challenge that requires a tremendous effort, but it is also an opportunity for all professionals involved in pediatric emergency care, and above all, for our patients, who will ultimately benefit from improved care.
It is an honor to collaborate as another communication platform for the 1st World Congress of Pediatric Emergencies, which will be held in Brazil, with the assurance that it will be an enormous success.
Editorial Committee
Pediatric Emergencies