Submission Deadline
Until January 12, 2026
Submit your abstract
Submit your abstract
Assessment Results
Rules and Regulations
Dear Author, before writing your scientific paper abstract, please carefully read all the information provided by this regulation.
Abstracts that do not comply with the instructions will not be accepted.
- The submission of scientific papers (abstracts) represents the ultimate commitment of author(s) to present the paper(s), if accepted, during the Congress on the date and time to be announced.
- Only those applications of scientific papers (abstracts) made by author(s) duly registered in the Congress will be accepted.
- Each abstract may contain up to 10 authors, being 1 main author and other co-authors.
- At registration, the author should inform the option of presenting his/her paper in the form of oral presentation, commented poster, and poster, by checking a specific box in the scientific paper registration form.
- It is up to the judging committee appointed for this event to evaluate papers according to specific scientific rules (with autonomy to change the paper presentation option, provided the authors are notified in advance) and categorize them based on these rules.
- Accepted case reports should be automatically presented in the form of posters.
- Abstracts should be directly typed on the Congress webpage, by checking the following option: – Scientific Papers – Submit your Paper.
- Accepted papers will be announced on this website. Authors responsible for the submission will also be notified by e-mail.
Submission Areas
- Medical emergencies
- Pediatric Emergencies
Writing of Abstracts
- Papers must be unpublished and should not have been presented on any other national congress.
- Paper abstracts must be designed according to the type of research and include the following items:
- Original papers:Introduction; Objective; Method; Results, and Conclusion.
- Clinical case reports:Introduction; Case description; Discussion, and Conclusion.
- Abstracts should be 300 words long at the most, and they cannot include tables, images, formulae, symbols, special formatting or characters within the text.
- The application of scientific paper abstracts sent through e-mail, fax, courier, or any form other than the ones indicated on this website will not be accepted.
General Guidelines for Authors
- Abstracts containing the name of the institution and/or the authors, either on the title or in the text, as well as those mentioning commercial brands and products will not be accepted.
- Content changes on the abstracts/papers after the submission of papers sent for the evaluation of the abstracts committee are not allowed.
- The Scientific Committee will evaluate the papers and will select only those in accordance to the rules set for this event.
- Approved papers will be published on the Congress website.
- Authors will receive a notification to check date, venue, and time of their presentation on the website. It will be sent to the e-mail addresses provided by authors at registration.
- All approved papers will receive certificates of presentation in the Congress.
Instructions for Structuring the Electronic Poster
The presentation of papers will be in the form of an ELECTRONIC POSTER (e-Poster), that is, they will not need to be printed and must fully comply with the established norms.
- The Poster will be hosted on the Congress Website and will be displayed on TV Screens at the Congress Venue.
- It must be developed in PowerPoint or equivalent software and saved in PDF format and must contain only one page (slide type).
- It must be sized for presentation in 16:9 format, in portrait mode. Attention should be given to maintaining lateral, top and bottom margins (avoid cutting content when framed).
- It must be written with Arial, Calibri, Cambria (or equivalent) fonts, with the minimum sizes: 18 for the title, 12 for general content and 10 for references. Use font and background colors that allow good contrast and good visualization.
- It must contain Title, Authors, Authors' Affiliation, Abstract, Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusions. The Title of the Poster must be identical to the abstract and the content must be in accordance with what was sent in the abstract.
- The maximum size of the uploaded file must be up to 3 megabytes.
Instructions for Oral Presentation
- Abstract format: these are oral presentations in PowerPoint held on a specific day and time; will be limited to ten minutes for the presentation and at the end of the session there will be discussion and questions, at the discretion of the session chairperson. The presenting author must be registered in the congress.
- The 10 best abstracts submitted will be presented in oral form in the official congress program.
Congress Proceedings
- The abstracts of the papers presented during the event will be available on the Pediatrics Society of São Paulo website, under the section – Congress Proceedings