Dr. Camilo E. Gutierrez is an internationally recognized Pediatric Emergency Physician, with experience as a clinician, educator, and expert in international pediatric emergency care. Director of Global Health Programs for the Division of Emergency Medicine at Children’s National Hospital, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine, in Washington DC.
Dr. Gutierrez is a key opinion leader at the advisory level in the development of acute care systems at the local, country and regional level globally, with emphasis in development of pediatric acute and emergency care systems.
He is Immediate Past-Chair for the ACEP International EM Section, and active in the International and Ambassador Committees. Internationally he is Immediate Past-Chair of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Special Interest Group of the International Federation of Emergency Medicine, and member of the Specialty Implementation, Education, and Curriculum Committees. He is Founding and Board Member of the first Latin American Pediatric EM Society (SLEPE).
Dr. Gutierrez is a recognized speaker both locally and in over a dozen countries where he has presented over 100 lectures and has authored over 60 publications. His interests expand on international and global health care arenas, development of pediatric acute care systems, pediatric trauma and critical care in the ED, ultrasound, shock, difficult airway management and procedural sedation.
He is past Chair and Medical Director of the EMS-C Advisory Committee for Massachusetts, past Co Chair of the MACEP Pediatric EM Section, and has served as VP of the Global Emergency Medicine
Academy of SAEM, through AAEM International Committee has been involved in collaborating with leading Pediatric EM topics and speakers for their international conferences.
Dr. Gutierrez has established an international reputation as a leader, supporter, and promoter of the importance of pediatric emergency care in regions worldwide. He is sought after for his opinion, his capacity to network, craft partnerships and engage stakeholders as he advocates for the care of children globally.